The day to day management and administration of ZIMREN are currently run by the Director and Network Engineer, who are setting up the structures and systems, as well as resourcing strategies necessary to get the organization operational. The organizational structure is able to support the range of services that ZIMREN intends to provide, and have the following departments and key responsibilities:
Technical Department
- Designing the network to deliver the desired products and services
- Managing the Quality of Service
- Managing the technical designs
- Managing Operations
- Projects management
Chief Executive's Office
- Setting the strategy and implementation
- Overseeing the development of products and services
- Stakeholder Relationships Management
- Customer Relationship Management
- Funding Strategies
- Risk management
- Ensuring sound Governance and Compliance
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Ensuring Sustainability
Administration Department
- Financial management
- Accounting
- Human resources management
- General administration
Board Members
Prof J Nyamangara
Marondera University of Agricultural Sciences
and Technology