Zimbabwe Research & Education Network

Shared Services
We offer a variety of shared services to our member institutions. These services are provided as per request and a reasonable fee is calculated on a cost recovery basis since ZIMREN is a non-profit organisation.

We provide reliable and dedicated internet connection to promote research, innovation and collaboration. Researchers and educators will be able to transfer larger data sets between campuses, as well as access high performance computing systems.

Capacity Building
We coordinate and provide training services to our member institution to improve, and retain their skills and knowledge. This also enable them to efficiently utilize the services offered by ZIMREN. We have developed a training strategy for strengthening the competencies and abilities of students, researchers, educators and ICT staff.

ZIMREN seeks to enhance roaming and collaboration in its member institutions and other research & education networks using eduroam service. Authentication of users is performed by their home institution, using the same credentials as when they access the network locally, while authorization to access the Internet and possibly other resources is handled by the visited institution.

Professional Services
We are collaborating with a number of IT service providers outside Zimbabwe in order to provide affordable systems and equipment to all member institutions. We also offers secretariat services to some of the collaborating partners through coordinating meetings, communication and outreach

Help & Support
We provide technical and administrative support services to member institutions
Collaborating Partners